

来源:履带吊2022-07-06 09:49160









8、安装在建筑物或构筑物上的配电箱为固定配电箱,箱底与地面的垂直距离应大于1.3m且小于< @1.5m。移动配电箱不宜放在地上随意拖动,而应固定在支架上。箱底与地面的垂直距离应大于0.6m且小于1.5m。










1、 起重指挥员应由了解起重机械性能并持有操作证的技术人员培训合格。指挥时应站在能兼顾整体工作的地方,佩戴明显标志起重吊装作业安全培训试题,按GB5082规定的接触信号发出信号,准确、响亮、清晰。

2、 起重和装载操作员必须全神贯注。手术期间禁止吸烟、饮食、聊天、开玩笑和玩耍。他们应时刻注意起重机的转动、行走和重物。作业或起重动作结束后,起重、装载作业人员不得擅自离开工作岗位。

3、 信号量和手势信号明显准确,音频信号清晰响亮。上下信号紧密配合,下信号较少受上信号指挥。












13.2 信号未知;

13.3 吊物下面有人;


13.5 埋在地下;


13.7 松散的物体没有系紧;

13.8 零、零散、无容器的小物件;

13.9 吊物重量不详,吊具不符合要求;

13.10 大雪、大雨、大雾、6级以上大风。





4、作业现场采取维护安全、防险、防火等措施;实行封闭管理。 ,


















4、分析人员应在动火前半小时内进行分析,并对分析数据的准确性负责。热分析和热工作之间的间隔不应超过 30 分钟。如果大型设备发生火灾,处理上中部。 以下部门进行监测分析。如果在较长的物料管道上发生火灾起重吊装作业安全培训试题|八种危险操作规程(纯干货),应将该区域完全隔离,以便进行分段分析。如果火灾情况发生变化,火灾负责人和审批人应要求分析人员重新取样分析。 4小时以上的动火作业,每天下午动火作业前应进行一次动火分析,分析通过后方可继续进行动火作业。


















(三), 审批人


(四), 断路器操作员





(三),破土施工单位在公司道路上进行破土作业时,必须经有关部门对地下管线、电缆等进行确认后,取得《破土安全作业证》。断路施工单位进行吊装施工 断路作业时,必须取得《吊装安全作业证》,在断路过程中需要进行动火作业的断路施工单位还必须取得《吊装安全作业证》。 《高温消防安全操作证》。






(九), 断路作业结束后,施工单位负责清理场地,拆除工地和路口的警示牌。申请断路的单位验收合格后,上报安全环保部,通知各单位恢复交通。


(10一). 断路器操作应严格按照《断路器安全操作证书》的内容进行,严禁涂改、出借、更改证书内容扩大经营范围。









1、高空作业前,应系好安全带,穿防滑软底鞋,系紧袖口,着装得体; 2m以上高空作业人员必须定期体检。高空作业者不得高空作业。




5、应该放置一个移动梯子。梯子应与地面成 60-70 度角。梯子底部应安装防滑装置。移动梯中间应有防止开口的装置。















1.1 开始设备维修作业前,应取得《设备维修安全操作证》。 《设备维修安全操作证明书》格式见附件。


1.3 维修项目负责人必须按照维修计划的要求组织维修任务人员到维修现场,说明维修项目、任务、维修计划,落实维修安全措施。


1.5 高空作业、动火作业、破土动工、断路、吊装、挡盲板、进入设备等设备维护,必须按照HG 2301进行1、HG 23012、HG 23013、HG 23014、HG 23015、HG 23016、HG 23017申请相应的安全工作证.

1.6 设备的清洗、更换、交接由设备所在单位负责,设备清洗、更换后出具分析报告。维修项目负责人应与设备技术人员、工艺技术人员核对,确认设备、工艺处理、盲板抽堵等符合维修安全要求。


2.1 维修前,必须对参与维修工作的人员进行安全教育。

2.2 安全教育内容

2.2.1 维修工作必须遵守的相关维修安全规章制度。

2.2.2 维修现场及维修过程中可能存在或发生的不安全因素及对策。

2.2.3 在维护操作过程中正确佩戴和使用个人防护设备和用品。

2.2.4 维修工作项目、任务、维修计划和维修安全措施。

3 维修前的安全检查及措施

3.1 应检查维修工作中使用的脚手架、起重机械、电焊器具、手持电动工具、扳手、管钳、锤子等工具和仪器。不得使用电器。

3.2 应采取可靠的断电措施,切断待修设备的电源,开机审查确认无电后,挂上安全标志电源开关上的“No Startup”并加锁。

3.3 维修作业中使用的气体防护设备、消防设备、通讯设备、照明设备等设备,应由专人检查,确保完好可靠,放置正确。

3.4 检修现场的梯子、栏杆、平台、铁篦、盖板等应进行检查,确保安全可靠。

3.5 对盲板一一检查维护,高压盲板需探伤后方可使用。

3.6 用于维修的移动电器必须配备漏电保护装置。

3.7 对于具有腐蚀性介质的维护场所,必须有冲洗水源。

3.8 维修场地的坑、井、洼地、沟渠、陡坡等处应填满或铺设与地面齐平的盖板,也可设置围栏和警示牌。设置好,晚上要设置红色警示灯。

3.9 易燃易爆物品、障碍物、油渍、冰雪、积水、废弃物等影响维修安全的杂物,应在维修现场进行清理。


3.11 需要夜间维护的工作场所应配备足够亮度的照明设备。

4 维护工作中的安全要求

4.1 参加维修工作的人员应穿戴劳动防护用品。


4.3 电气设备维修工作必须符合电气安全工作规定。

4.4 危化品生产、储存现场设备检修时,检修项目负责人应与值班班长联系。生产中出现异常情况或突然卸料,危及维修人员人身安全的,生产班长必须立即通知维修人员停止作业,迅速撤离工作场所。上述情况消除并确认安全后,维修项目负责人可通知维修人员重新进入工作现场。

4.5 It is strictly forbidden to alter or lend the "Safety Operation Certificate for Equipment Maintenance", change the operation content, expand the scope of operation or transfer the operation location.

4.6 If the approval procedures for the "Equipment Maintenance Safety Operation Certificate" are incomplete, the safety measures are not implemented, and the operating environment does not meet the safety requirements, the operator has the right to refuse the operation.

5 Safety requirements after inspection

5.1 The person in charge of the maintenance item shall, together with the relevant maintenance personnel, check whether the maintenance item is missing, and whether tools and materials are missing in the equipment.

5.2 The person in charge of the maintenance project shall, together with the equipment technicians and process technicians, check the blind plate extraction and blocking according to the production process requirements.

5.3 Safety facilities such as covers, grate boards, handrails, railings, and protective covers that have been removed due to maintenance needs to be restored to normal.

5.4 The tools and equipment used for maintenance should be removed, and the scaffolding, temporary power supply, and temporary lighting equipment should be removed in time.

5.5 The equipment, roof, and ground debris, rubbish, etc. should be cleaned up.

5.6 The maintenance unit, together with the unit where the equipment is located and relevant departments, conduct pressure and leak tests on the equipment, adjust safety valves, instruments and interlocking devices, and make records.

5.7 The maintenance unit, together with the unit where the equipment is located and relevant departments, will conduct individual and linkage test runs on the overhauled equipment, and accept the handover.

6 Management of "Equipment Maintenance Safety Operation Certificate"

6.1 The "Safety Operation Certificate for Equipment Maintenance" is managed by the factory's mobile department.

6.2 The unit where the equipment is located shall propose the safety measures for the equipment to be handed over, and fill in the relevant columns of the "Safety Operation Certificate for Equipment Maintenance".

6.3 The unit responsible for the maintenance project proposes construction safety measures and fills in the relevant columns of the "Safety Operation Certificate for Equipment Maintenance".

6.4 The unit where the equipment is located and the maintenance and construction unit shall review the "Equipment Maintenance Safety Operation Certificate" and fill in the review comments.

6.5 The factory equipment management department conducts the final review and approval of the "Equipment Maintenance Safety Operation Certificate".

6.6 The unit responsible for the maintenance project should keep a copy of the completed "equipment maintenance safety operation certificate" and hand it to the safety department and the unit where the equipment is located.

Safety Regulations for Blocking Blind Slabs

Scope of Purpose

Specifies the safety requirements for blind slabs, blind slab extraction and blocking operations and the management of the "Blind slab extraction and blocking safety operation certificate"

It is suitable for the blind plate extraction and blocking operation in the production area of ​​the company.

based on preparation

"Safety Standardization Specifications for Hazardous Chemicals Practitioners", "Safety Regulations for Blind Slab Extraction and Blocking Operations in Plant Areas"


The "Blind Slab Extraction and Blocking Safety Operation Certificate" shall be signed and signed by the head of the department, and approved by the Safety Section

"Blind Slab Pulling and Blocking Safety Operation Certificate" in triplicate, one for the operation department, one for the production workshop where the construction is located, and one for the safety management department

Working procedures

The material of the blind plate should be suitable, flat and smooth, and there should be no cracks and holes after inspection. The high-voltage blind plate should pass the flaw detection.

The diameter of the blind plate should be made according to the sealing surface of the pipe flange, and the thickness should be calculated according to the strength

The blind plate should have one or two handles for easy identification and extraction

According to the properties of the medium, pressure and temperature in the pipeline, the appropriate material should be selected for the blind plate gasket

Blind plate extraction and blocking operation must apply for the "Blind Plate Extraction and Blocking Safety Operation Certificate", and the blind plate extraction and blocking operation is not allowed without the certificate.

It is strictly forbidden to alter or lend the "Blind Slab Blocking Safety Operation Certificate"; when changing the content of the operation, expanding the scope of operation or transferring the operation part, the "Blind Slab Blocking Safety Operation Certificate" should be re-applied

If the approval procedures for the operation are incomplete, the safety measures are not implemented, and the operation environment does not meet the requirements, the operator has the right to refuse the operation

The production workshop shall be responsible for drawing the blind plate position map, numbering the blind plate, and the blind plate position map shall be archived by the production workshop.

Operators must take personal protection, and there should be a special person to supervise the operation, and the guardian must not leave the site before the end of the operation.

In places with complex operations and high risks, in addition to guardians, fire brigade, medical personnel, etc. should also be present. If the entire production system is involved, production dispatchers and relevant leaders of the safety office must be notified to be present.

When working in flammable and explosive places, operators should wear anti-static work clothes and work shoes, and no hot work should be done within 30 meters of the work site; explosion-proof lamps and explosion-proof tools should be used for work lighting, and it is forbidden to beat with iron. Pipelines, flanges, etc.

A high-altitude work permit shall be obtained in accordance with the provisions of the "Safety Regulations for High-altitude Work" for the operation of drawing and blocking blind slabs at heights.

It is strictly forbidden to carry out two or more blind plate extraction operations on the same pipeline at the same time.

When there are multiple blind panels, the construction leader shall command the operation in a unified manner according to the blind panel position map and blind panel number.

A sign shall be installed at each blind blind plate to indicate the location of the blind plate.

The production workshop is responsible for filling in the "Safety Operation Certificate for Blind Slab Extraction and Blocking", the location map of the blind slab, and safety measures.

When working, the pressure at the operating point should be reduced to normal pressure.

When carrying out blind plate extraction and blocking operations on pipelines and equipment with strong corrosive media, operators should take measures to prevent acid and alkali burns.

When the medium temperature is high and may cause burns, the operator should take anti-scalding measures.

Procedures for safe operation in confined spaces

1、According to the principle of inspection first, operation later, anyone who wants to enter a dangerous workplace in a confined space must measure the concentration of oxygen, harmful gas, flammable gas and dust in advance according to the actual situation, which is in line with safety requirements. only upon request can you enter. It is strictly forbidden to enter the workplace without accurately measuring the concentration of oxygen, harmful gases, flammable gases and dust.

2、Ensure air quality at hazardous job sites in confined spaces. The oxygen content should be above 18% and below 23.5%. The permissible concentrations of its harmful and toxic gases, flammable gases and dust must meet the safety requirements of national standards.

3、In the process of dangerous operations in limited spaces, ventilation should be strengthened, and the necessary number of measurements should be maintained during dangerous operations where the concentration of oxygen, harmful gases, flammable gases, and dust may change or continuous detection.

4、All electrical equipment used in the operation must comply with the relevant electrical safety technical operating regulations. Lighting should use safety miner's lamp or safety lamp below 36 volts, and hand-held power tools with over safe voltage must be equipped with leakage protectors as required.

5、When it is found that there may be harmful gas or flammable gas, the testing personnel should use equipment such as harmful gas detection instrument and flammable gas tester to conduct testing at the same time.

6、Inspectors should wear isolation respirators, and oxygen respirators are strictly prohibited;

7、In the work site where flammable gas or flammable dust exists, all testing instruments, electric tools, lighting fixtures, etc., must use explosion-proof type that meets the requirements of "Code for Design of Electrical Installations in Explosion and Fire Hazardous Environments" product.

8、For places where ventilation and ventilation measures cannot be adopted due to explosion-proof and anti-oxidation, or where it is difficult to adequately ventilate due to the restrictions of the operating environment, operators must be equipped with and use isolated breathing apparatus such as air respirators or hose masks protective equipment.

9、Operators should accurately count the number of people before entering and leaving the dangerous workplace with limited space.

10、 When entering a dangerous workplace in a limited space, operators and guardians should provide clear contact signals in advance.

11、 If the danger of oxygen deficiency in the workplace may affect the safety of personnel in the nearby workplaces, the relevant personnel in these workplaces should be promptly notified.

12、It is strictly forbidden for irrelevant personnel to enter the dangerous workplace in limited space, and warning signs should be set up in conspicuous places. 13、In dangerous workplaces with limited space, rescue appliances, such as breathing apparatus, ladders, ropes, and other necessary appliances and equipment, must be equipped to rescue workers in emergency situations.

14、When welding with carbon dioxide or helium in a closed container, ventilation must be performed during the operation to ensure that the air meets safety requirements.

15、When the operator is working in the closed equipment (such as storage tanks, boilers, etc.) connected to the pipeline, the valve must be closed tightly, the blind plate must be installed, and a sign prohibiting starting must be set up in a conspicuous place .

16、When the operator is working in the closed equipment, generally open the door or cover of the entrance and exit. If the equipment is connected with the pipeline that is pumping or has been under negative pressure, it is strictly forbidden to close the door or cover of the entrance and exit.封面。

17、When compressed air is carried out underground, the oxygen-deficient air should be prevented from leaking into the workplace. If there is anoxic air in the facilities connected to the workplace, it should be directly removed to prevent the oxygen-deficient air from entering the workplace. .

18、Operators should not bring items unrelated to the operation into the confined space; materials, tools and other items should not be thrown during operation; protective masks should not be taken off in toxic and oxygen-deficient environments; Oxygen or oxygen-enriched air should not be filled into confined spaces; gas cutting (welding) tools should be taken out when leaving confined spaces;

19、The difficult, labor-intensive, and long-time confined space operations should be rotated;

20、After the operation, the workshop where the restricted space is located and the operation department jointly inspect the inside and outside of the restricted space, and the restricted space can be closed only after confirming that there is no problem;

21、The maximum working time should not exceed 12 hours. If the time limit is exceeded under special circumstances, the extension procedure should be handled.





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